
What is an EXPRESS job?
EXPRESS also emphasises speed, quality and completely reliable delivery dates. EXPRESS also means: You send us the data for your printed circuit boards without giving prior notice and we drop everything else to be able to rush your order through production as quickly as possible. This is a sophisticated and well-coordinated system, which has made us to the quickest manufacturer of prototype printed circuit boards in Europe for 25 years now.
Why this fast turnaround for EXPRESS?
Time is money. There are only a few days left until the system that you developed has to be delivered. We do everything that we can to help you, e.g. for:
- New developments and product presentations at short notice
- Production threatening to come to a standstill due to faulty materials
- Unexpected order from a customer
- and much more
What's the procedure for a typical EXPRESS job?
- When we receive an order e.g. an EXPRESS order, all relevant departments are immediately informed.
- Close cooperation between the departments results in the entire company picking up this special job at short notice.
- One of the CAM team will interrupt their current job to start at once with the EXPRESS job.
- Machines will be stopped or allowed to run empty to keep the path free for your printed circuit boards into production.
- One member of the team will be especially assigned to this one job to make your printed circuit boards. Their task is to ensure that your job flows smoothly through, with no interruption.
Your personal contact

Torsten Malsch
Head of Marketing & Sales
+49 30 351 788 -310